Before I left, I swung by Bedlam Works, the place I bought the forks from and let them take a quick look at it. I also asked them about an intermittent power drop around 4k rpms I had been noticing for a while now, they confirmed what I had been thinking, probably something to do with the carb. I will have to take a look when I get to FL. After chatting for a while, I went back to pack.
Along with their amazing hospitality Aaron and Lauren gave me an old gopro that they had found while hiking which I have been playing with during my stay and will hopefully make it easier for me to get quick snapshots of things instead of pulling out the dslr. Thanks for everything!
I am excited to get back on the road, but I am going to miss that little trailer and my new friends. Because the wheel I bought had a tire already on it I decided to carry my old one with, it’s a bit of a pain in the ass, but at least it looks kind of bad ass.
The weather was beautiful, and the roads had an empty, free open feeling as I headed towards the coast.
I made it a whole day and a half. The power dropping was suddenly getting worse to downright lurching. Then a couple miles outside of Savannah the power dropped and didn’t pick up again, I coasted to a stop and tried starting it, nothing. Shit. I checked the fuel line poked around a bit but couldn’t see anything wrong. Then, I tried starting it again and it fired right up. The nearest motorcycle repair shop was about 15 miles down the road, nothing to do but hope I make it. It cut out several times on the way but always started after a short break.
I finally made it to TM Powersports and after explaining my situation Ted agreed to look at my carb, and even let me take it off so I didn’t have to pay for his time. He looked through the carb but couldn’t find anything that would explain my problem. I took it down the road to check and sure enough, the problem was still there.
Time to look at the engine. Valves are OK. Compression test shows a bit low. Leak down test way high (25 – 30%). Why is it never the easy stuff and why does it have to happen the day before Thanksgiving? Thankfully I stumbled on a good shop with good people, and their sons offers me a couch to stay on while I wait for a new piston. It’s a lot of sitting around and watching tv I hate not being mobile.
We did go into Savannah for an afternoon, I kind of like it, at least from an aesthetic standpoint.
The piston had been replaced not too long ago, but it looks like they put the wrong one in and did a bad job at that.
A bit over a week later its ready for me to put back together.
Now if I only remembered how these wires connect.
About half way through the 5 mile loop it starts lurching and losing power. NOOOOO!!! Wait let me try turning to reserve fuel… Much better…
9 days and $750 I am starting to think I pissed off someone upstairs… Good thing I am way to stubborn to quit, but I may have to look at getting a job for a couple months maybe in Florida. For now I’ll be happy to get out of Georgia, I’ve been here way to long…
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