The hostel was nice, being a weekday, it was just me and the hosts so, I had the room to myself and was able to get some writing done. I got out mid-morning and since I was only an hour away figured I’d check out the Tail of the Dragon. It was a nice enough 11 miles but really not something that I’d go too far out of my way for, I have seen plenty of roads on the way down that have a couple less curves, but much better scenery and I had them all to myself. That said it wasn’t as busy as I expected it to be, being the end of the season and all.

It would appear the motorcycle gods don’t take kindly of my slights to one of the top motorcycle destinations in the world. A couple miles down the road I feel my back tire loses air. Well at least this is something I’ve practiced…

I get the tire off and my suspicion is confirmed the patch I put on 2000 miles ago in DC failed,I really should have swapped the tube out at Margit’s, but I was hoping the patch in combination with some Ride On would do the trick.
Can you patch a patch? Not sure, but I’m about to find out. I did talk to a couple of guys who stopped to see if I needed help, they seemed thoroughly impressed by my roadside mechanics but there wasn’t much they could do so they went on their way. The lack of cell service seems to have a way of making people more considerate.
I get the tire on and it seems to be holding air, so I head off. I get a full three miles before I notice the leak. This time I am extremely lucky in the other way, I am at a motorcycle shop! ( / grill / souvenir shop) They have it off and back on in 15 min for a grand total of 45. I eat a pretty tasty Rueben and head on my way.
I had hoped to do the Cherahola (might have spelled that wrong) skyway but it was to do all of it today. I see a free campsite online, just a couple miles up the skyway and figure if I hurry I might be able to make it before its completely dark. I don’t, and once I do finally make it to the coordinates there is no campsites in sight. I continue for another ten min and finally find a site, its hike in only, well its dark and I’m tired it will have to do. There is no one else in the lot so I say screw it, I’m just camping in the little pavilion thing next to the parking lot.
It worked noone bothered me and I was on the road again early in the morning. I continue onthe road thinking it should lead back to the Skyway, it may do so, but not withthe route I took. Oh well I have to save something for next time.

Instead I turn south and head into Georgia. I find a free campsite by Dawsonville and bunker down for a rainy night.
In the morning it is still raining, I guess I am lucky that this is the first rain I’ve had to ride in in the two weeks I’ve been on the road. Time to see how well my gear does in the rain, not so well. My boots are getting wet in ten min, I try wrapping them in cling wrap which buys me another half hour, by this time my gloves are getting wet as well mostly in through the top but with some seepage as well. My suit seems to be doing ok, still I decide to make it a short day and book an Airbnb 50 miles down.
25 miles down is where it all goes to hell. I am approaching an intersection with a red light that has just turned green. I see traffic is moving and look for the street signs to make sure I’m going in the right direction. I don’t see the car in front of stop to turn, at least not in time. I hit the brakes and try to swerve, but I still hit with a fair amount of force and flip up onto her trunk. I roll off and stand up, everything seems to be functioning properly a little sore in places but that seems to be the worst of it. Some guys come over and help take the bike off the road. I look at the car I hit, I knocked out the back-right lights and maybe put a bit of a dent in it. I go over to the driver, she seems more shaken up than I am. Not much to do but let her be and wait for the police. I give my statement, an ambulance comes for her and eventually the police and fire go on their way. Being in Georgia any time you hit a car from behind its considered “following too closely” so now I have a traffic citation to try and figure out.
I get the bike upright and it starts up without too much hesitation, that’s a relief. I take off the front bar of my crash bars and its not until I try to get back on the road that I notice the forks are bent I manage to ride it to a gas station a mile down the road. Time to call AAA. Naturally they don’t have anyone in the area for a couple of hours, that gives me time to call insurance etc… with a couple hours to spare… guess I’ll update the blog. I still can’t quite believe that for my first (at fault) accident ever its something so stupid and so soon into my trip.